Meet the Self-contained Karma Economy!
"Today me, tomorrow thee"
Loosely inspired by karma in Indian tradition, we have worked towards formalizing the notion of "give-and-take" in automated resource allocation systems. One day you incur a delay in traffic to let someone with higher urgency arrive on time, for that you gain karma. The next day it becomes your turn to take advantage of fast service , so you spend karma. Such a system gives fair access to shared resources meanwhile serving those who are most in need.
CARMA: Fair and Efficient Bottleneck Congestion Management via Non-tradable Karma Credits
Ezzat Elokda, Carlo Cenedese, Kenan Zhang, Andrea Censi, John Lygeros, Emilio Frazzoli, Florian Dörfler
Transportation Science, 2024
10.1287/TRSC.2023.0323 - Slides
To Travel Quickly or to Park Conveniently: Coupled Resource Allocations with Multi-Karma Economies
Ezzat Elokda, Andrea Censi, Saverio Bolognani, Florian Dörfler, Emilio Frazzoli
CPHS, 2024. Awarded: IFAC CPHS Young Author Award
A Dynamic Population Game Model of Non-Monetary Bottleneck Congestion Management Under Elastic Demand Using Karma
Ezzat Elokda, Carlo Cenedese, Kenan Zhang, Andrea Censi, Saverio Bolognani, Emilio Frazzoli
CDC, 2023
Coming soon
CO2 Emissions
Coming soon
Data Networks
Coming soon
Coming soon
Meet the Karma Collaborators!
First Paper: Today Me, Tomorrow Thee: Efficient Resource Allocation in Competitive Settings using Karma Games
Andrea Censi, Saverio Bolognani, Julian G. Zilly, Shima S. Mousavi, Emilio Frazzoli
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2019